Although most of us spend what feels like our entire working week counting down the seconds until the weekend rolls around, it is also a surprising truth that when the weekend does hit, many of us find ourselves conflicted between choosing to go out or staying at home.


While this inner conflict might not be present for the pure extroverts among us, who thrive on the excitement of hitting the town, for most normal people, the decision to go out or stay in for the night is a weekly battle we must grapple with.


For the many residents of York, this battle is complicated by the wide range of options they have open to them when it comes time to make this decision. And as one of the best towns in the country to go out and socialise in, this is by no means an easy decision!


If you are a Yorker faced with making the decision of whether to go out or stay in this weekend, what options are open to you?


In-person vs online casinos


A popular option for Yorkers to end their night is to hit one of the many casinos that populate this historic little town. And although it is far from being a Las Vegas of the North, there are a number of options on offer.


However, although the allure of in-person gambling is always attractive, many people from York are opting to indulge their gaming pastime at home, rather than out on the town.


Thankfully, this is pretty easy these days, given the widespread availability of online casinos. There are quite literally thousands of options to choose from – and you can find the best ones here!


Pubs vs home mixologist


For those of you looking to grab a drink with friends, York has some of the best pubs in the entire country. Regardless of whether you are looking for old-world inns, modern craft beer taprooms or a cosmopolitan den of mixology, York has something to offer!


Popular pubs in York such as The Phoenix Inn, Eagle & Child and The Blue Bell are popular with the ever-thirsty residents of York, who appreciate the mix of old-world charm with a new-world selection of drinks.


However, if you don’t fancy paying the increasingly high price of enjoying a drink at one of these or similar venues, you can always practice some mixology at home!


A great option for those looking to stay at home is to pick up some cheap drinks, mixers and ingredients, and to practice your mixology skills at home. And if you want to keep the costs down even more, you can always ask your guests to bring a drink and mixer of their choice!


Cinema vs Netflix


Going to the cinema is a popular option for a night out in York, with the city boasting a number of commercial and independent cinemas to choose from. These play a wide range of movies, which includes everything from the latest commercial releases to indie favourites.


With the cost of going to the cinema seemingly always rising, however, many of us are opting to stay at home rather than pay the exorbitant costs associated with a trip to the cinema.


If you want to save some cash, you might be better served creating a Netflix account, which can give you unlimited streaming for the cost of a single cinema ticket. And with Netflix hosting many of the latest releases that are currently out in cinemas, you might even be able to catch something you’ve been dying to see!


Although a trip to the cinema is always an enjoyable experience, and the remarkable sound experience is hard to beat, there is something to be said for settling in to watching a movie at home where you can pause it at will and have access to unlimited snacks!


Home cooking vs restaurant


Another source of tension between those wanting to go out and those wanting to stay in is food!


Given that York is absolutely packed full of excellent restaurants, this is not surprising. With everything from high-level pub grub to exquisite curries on offer, we can’t blame Yorkers for wanting to eat out.


However, the fact of the matter is that eating out is also expensive these days. A meal at a steak restaurant for two, with drinks, can easily cost upwards of £100, which is getting increasingly hard to justify in today’s economy.


With that said, cooking an elaborate meal at home is a great option for the budget-conscious among us. Not only will this give you the opportunity to save some cash but it can also give you an opportunity to explore new cuisines and expand your culinary skillset.

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