“Experience St Nicks” Day – Saturday 9th July 2022 10am – 4pm


Have you heard of St Nicks? Do you know what we do here in the ‘Green Heart of York?’ Could we be one
of York’s best kept secrets?

To make more people across York aware of the great things we do and what our space has to offer, we are
re-opening our Environment Centre and welcoming everyone to come and explore our vibrant space!

Although our 24-acre urban nature reserve has ALWAYS been open and our outdoor activities have
continued throughout the pandemic, we want to give EVERYONE the opportunity to discover the amazing
services, opportunities, community, space and activities we offer.

We are a registered charity and the vast majority of what we do is funded by donations and grants, with
some partial funding from City of York council. This is why, for some activities, we are asking for a nominal
amount towards funding the valued activities we provide to the local community. Why not come along
and try a couple of our fun taster sessions and learn more about what we do?

As well as maintaining our large and richly biodiverse reserve where you can escape and immerse yourself
in nature, we have a fabulous kid’s playground and our quirky environment centre that you can visit on
the day. We will have local gin and tonics and beers to keep you refreshed (we like to work with local
businesses!) and we may have additional updates on food and snack availability over the next few weeks.


A few facts about St Nicks to whet your appetite:

DID YOU KNOW? – We recycle items for residential and commercial properties across York using our
fully electric vehicles and trikes. Last year we recycled over 426 tonnes of waste from residents and all
our collected items are recycled within the UK.

DID YOU KNOW? – our site is incredibly biodiverse with over 1,800 recorded species. We hope to make
other green spaces in York just as biodiverse. The jewel-like Tansy beetle, almost entirely exclusive to
the York habitat, is just one rare species that we help to house and protect across our “green corridor

DID YOU KNOW? – Ecotherapy promotes good mental and physical wellbeing through outdoor activity
in a natural environment. Whether via self-referral or social prescribing we offer multiple programmes
of activities which can including one to one mentoring.

DID YOU KNOW? – as well a managing our nature reserve, we also manage other “green corridor” sites
across York which connect the pockets of green space in and around York. We also maintain the beck
in Hull Road Park, and ensure our work is having a positive impact by surveying the freshwater
invertebrates species that live within the waters.

DID YOU KNOW? – Our Thriving at Work support scheme offers both one-to-one mentoring
for employees who experience mental health challenges in the workplace and provides bespoke
packages of advice and support for small to medium employers who want to create a thriving

DID YOU KNOW? – Our education programme supports regular school visits, and our holiday
programme offers bookable classes. You can also attend as a family via our family Nature Adventurer

DID YOU KNOW? – We work hard to promote sustainable ways of living as well as free energy support
and guidance for York residents on a low income, over 50+ or experiencing a long term physical or
mental health condition.

Website: www.stnicks.org.uk


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