Sickness tends to sap energy and joy especially if it’s a serious type. For some, their state of mind can worsen the present condition. Staying positive can help you avoid this and mostly, remain “alive” despite the sickness. If you are part of the many who wonder how to stay positive when sick, here are five solid tips to help you.


Keep Living

The advice to keep living is a simple way to say “Focus on the positive”. When you are sick, feelings of sadness may overwhelm you, especially for serious illnesses that may take time to heal from. In this period, remaining positive will help you recover better or manage your sickness well.

Some ways to do this is to find things that make you happy or the things you enjoy and then make them part of your daily routine.


You don’t have to dance in the rain or do any of the popular things people enjoy doing to remain alive and positive. Search within yourself to find what brings you joy. Pampering and taking good care of yourself is a good way to keep living. Don’t neglect self-care because your body is slowly breaking down or in bad shape. Self-care applies to your emotional and mental well-being. You may consider mental health insurance to help deal with the mental and emotional turmoil. Being in a good state of mind is good for recovery and staying positive.


Keeping family and friends close is equally important during this time. Your interaction with them will do wonders for your body and soul. Being sick is hard work, but staying emotionally alive is the best way to soothe your weak body and keep your mind off your situation.



Many have found journaling to be helpful when going through a tough sickness. Expressing one’s feelings instead of bottling them is a healthy way to get better. However, some find it difficult to talk to others about how they feel. If this sounds like you, then journaling is the way to go. When journaling, write down your feelings. Feel free to pen any thoughts you have. If your experience is painful, write down how you feel.


You can also pen down your fears about the future and how you want to deal with it. This is how to stay positive when you are sick without feeling alone. When you write, remember there are no hard and fast rules. You can choose to write as many details as you want. Alternatively, taking note of some key things may be your style. Whichever works for you is perfectly fine.


Get Your Heart Pumping

If the state of your sickness allows you to engage in some safe-form of exercises, then get that heart pumping. After speaking with your doctor to know if some form of exercise is safe for you, remember to engage regularly. Exercise is great for the body and can improve one’s health. Create a schedule to help you engage regularly.


You do not want to get carried away and go beyond the limit. Even if you feel strong to a degree, give yourself time to heal adequately, not overstress your body.

Focus On a Solution

Sickness can be overwhelming when it’s chronic. For example, some who have been diagnosed with cancer may find it difficult to deal with the news. However, in this case, panic solves nothing. Of course, allow yourself to process the situation. It’s okay to cry in this type of situation. However, don’t remain sad for too long. Focus on finding a solution.


First, speak to a professional to know the best care available to you. Then think deeply about your options. Can you deal with the private chemotherapy cost? Is there alternative care to consider? Next, think of other plans you need to make toward your recovery. When everything is mapped out, you can now manage your condition better. When you’re sick and everything seems overwhelming, having a plan on how to move forward is important. If you are in a chaotic state with no plan, it will be difficult to stay positive. But when you know what steps to take, you will be in a good position to focus on your emotional well-being.


Don’t Pretend To Be Happy

When you are sick, the urge to keep things to yourself can be strong. Some may not want others to know about their condition. You have the right to decide who knows about your personal life. However, do not lie to yourself as well. Staying positive doesn’t mean you lie to yourself to feel better. Acknowledge your feelings of sadness and find a way to gradually deal with it. Don’t create an illusion of being okay and block off sad emotions.


Even when you are positive you may have moments when you feel down about your sickness. Don’t just let it consume you. Instead of blocking off your sad feelings, express them and find a way to cope. You can pretend to others but not to yourself!


Don’t Dwell On What Can’t Be Fixed

Try your best but know when to back down. Our life is precious to us and we want to get the best of it. How to stay positive when you are sick is to focus on what you can do, not what can’t be done. Sometimes some patients find it difficult to accept their condition. Some have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses or been told to wait for years before they can fully recover.


In as much as you want to try everything you can, know when to stop and leave what you can’t change and fix. When you leave what you fact fix, you can stay positive while you wait for the result. While you wait, get busy with interesting things. Think of it like a child waiting for the rain to stop before playing outside. While waiting the child can choose to get busy with other things while waiting or choose to keep staring at the window waiting and sitting sadly for as long as it rains.



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